Wednesday 21 August 2013

Food - How To Survive Trench Warfare by (Field Marshall) Alfred Baptiste Laurent

           Food at times should be considered a luxury for you soldiers. I'm not going to lie, it will be hard to find food so I put together this chart which contains the expected rations you will get.

20 ounces of bread
1/10 gill lime if vegetables not issued
16 ounces of flour instead of above
½ gill of rum
3 ounces of cheese
maximum of 20 ounces of tobacco
5/8 ounces of tea
1/3 chocolate – optional
4 ounces of jam
4 ounces of oatmeal instead of bread
½ ounce of salt
1 pint of porter instead of rum
1/36 ounce of pepper
4 ounces of dried fruit instead of jam
1/20 ounce of mustard
4 ounces of butter/margarine
8 ounces of fresh vegetables or
2 ounces of dried vegetables

Yes, I know it is very less but you should be very happy with what you get.

The next chapter of this guide will be about what you will drink.

FM. Alfred Baptiste Laurent.

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