Tuesday 10 September 2013

Weaponry: The Machine Gun - Extra

So, I've been told to add a bit more detail on this guide especially on weaponry, I can see why I was requested to put more detail on this topic, because I just listed the weapons, nto their features and whatnot.So, I've decided to do it on The Machine Gun as it was the most effective weapon in WW1.

The Machine Gun dominated the battlefields of World War I. Each gun weighed in the 30kg-60kg - Without their mountings, carriages and supplies. The 1914 Machine Gun, normally positioned on a flat tripod, would need a gun crew of 4-6 operators. Experts estimate that the machine gun could fire 400-600 caliber rounds (bullets) per minute. With an estimated range of 3,800m per bullet.

Below is a modern picture of the Hotchkiss et Cie M1914C Machine Gun used by the French Army and British Army in the WW1.
Musee-de-lArmee-IMG 1026.jpg

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